Tuesday, June 12, 2012

getting out of dodge

Saturday was a bit of blur, clearing the garage to a hastily-acquired UHaul and making sure the house was rent ready.  I returned a borrowed item from a neighbor and dropped off goodies from my 'fridge before the cleaners tossed it all.  (What do you mean, you don't want to see me walking up your driveway with a toilet plunger and a half dozen eggs???) 

Of course, the paint in the basement was mislabeled so two rooms of spackle and paint did not perfectly match, but aside from that?  Our house cleaned up pretty darned well!  The new tenants were pleased, keys and checks were exchanged, and off we went.

Sunday was the promotion ceremony of a good friend.  I was able to test run the outfits we would be wearing to the change of command in a week and came up short only one belt!  Kohls was on the way.  Once at the ceremony, I realized I'd not shaved before putting on this sleeveless dress and had also failed to use deodorant.  Fortunately, the ladies' room in the hanger was well-stocked with Bath and Bodyworks soaps, so I could at least make myself presentable...as long as my arms stayed by my sides!  I was, days later, both comforted and amused to find a friend had attended a similar ceremony with only one leg shaved.  Thanks for sharing, Deb!  You made me feel normal!

Monday was drive out day, which always takes longer because by then, you have entrenched into the hotel, with belongings scattered everywhere, but drive away we did, only an hour later than I'd planned.  We were making good time to Albuquerque when, at our first gas stop, my beloved and somewhat paranoid husband proved once again that triple checking saves lives.  A nail in the sidewall of our tire gave us the chance to enjoy the Big O Tires lobby in Trinidad Colorado for a little over an hour.  

some of us did not enjoy it nearly so much

this was a lovely time to eat leftovers from the night before!
At long last, we arrived in Albuquerque, threw the cat in the room and took off to see friends who greeted us with pasta and wine.  Tuesday to Abilene loomed ahead!

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