Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sniffy, Snuffy and Snorty

The boys and I were allergic to all of New Mexico and West Texas.  We choked and gagged our way to Abilene, where we met up with Lesley and had a fabulous dinner of take out bbq she'd cleverly replated so it looked like her own.  She could have claimed it...I'd have believed!

The next day was Dallas, where Susan offered me a couch, a blanket, and made me hot tea so I could revive some of my voice.  Rain all night in Dallas, and I do mean Rain with capital R, put a damper of sorts on the pollen count so driving to New Orleans involved a pound or so fewer tissues.  By the Louisiana border, though, I officially had humidity hair, or what I like to call, Dred Head.

Meanwhile, my beloved husband was tooling along with the UHaul and the cat.  Aside from trying to follow me through construction in Dallas - I had the garmin - and it being a bit loud, I suspect he had the more peaceful trip!

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